Sunday, February 2, 2014

Been working like a dog, I turned all my dreams off...

My last blog was full of music related posts, during that time I was obsessed with music, spending hours hunting down new music and bands. I want music to be part of this blog too. I want to reign it in a bit though, as I felt it was all over the place on my past blog! I honestly love most types of music. My love of classical music was given to me by my grandparents, who would blare Tchaikovsky in the car and me and my cousin would pretend to conduct in the back seat. Rock, Indie and Classical are my favourite genres, and music from the 60's, 70's & of course 80's. I have loved Bruce Springsteen since I was seven or eight, and I have recently gotten really into Grouplove, whose music is unbelievably catchy and addictive. I am going to try make this a fortnightly feature on the blog, giving you a little insight into what music is playing at my house (at my house, at my house)! 

1. Man on Fire - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
I am hearing this song everywhere right now! The minute I heard 'Home', I knew this was a band to watch out for. The video is also really beautiful and inspiring, and includes dancers from the New York Ballet performing on a street in the city!

2.  Take Me to Church (Cover) - Orla Gartland 
Orla Gartland is an exceptional singer/songwriter from Ireland. She does amazing covers, but also writes beautiful music as well. She is definitely one to watch out for in the future!

3. It's My Birthday (Remix) - Zero Dezire
After hearing this on Girls the other night I spent an hour searching for it online! This song is catchy, and makes you want to get up and dance. It reminds me a little of Icona Pop's I love it, in the way it instantly makes you bob your head! 

4. Same Love - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Mary Lambert & Madonna 
This, in my opinion, is one of the best Grammy performances of all time. I cried the whole way through. This song carries a really important message, that everyone should be born equal. I think Macklemore is changing music in a big way, and deserves all the success he receives!

5. Once Upon A Dream - Lana Del Rey
When I originally heard Lana Del Rey would be covering one of my favourite Disney songs of all time I was a bit sceptical. Don't get me wrong, I love Lana, but this song is what Disney is all about really and I was obviously worried about the outcome. However, I love this. It's dark and haunting, and I think it suits the movie Maleficent down to the ground, from what I have seen from the clips etc. 

6. Ways to Go - Grouplove
I think this band are crazy. That's why I like them so much! Love this song and the really mad video! This band are going to be huge!

I'm a man on fire
Walking through your street 
With one guitar
And two dancing feet
Only one desire
I want the whole dawn world
To come dance with me
- Man on Fire - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros 

(title: Ways to Go - Grouplove)

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